Chuck's Wish to be
an entertainer manifested when
he was in kindergarten doing impressions
of Jimmy
Durante, Ed Sullivan and other
celebrities of the day
at civic clubs. When given the
opportunity to play
in the school band, he selected the
trumpet that he
had heard his older brother play.
His enjoyment
for the trumpet and music was
incorporated right
away towards his goal of being a
His first professional experience came
in Jr. High
when his band director invited him to
join an adult
dance band. Chuck's life in music
was given its roots.
Over the years, when there haven't been
other outlets,
Chuck would form bands of
his own. He has led swing
big bands and Dixieland combos and
performed a
range of styles from rock to symphonic.
In addition to the Pineapple Skinners,
Chuck does
many engagements at The Club in
Birmingham where he
is a regular with the Joe Giattina
Orchestra. He has had
the opportunity to back-up such notables
as Dinah Shore
and Sid Caesar. He
has played with Peter
Duchin, Jean
Kittrell and is a member of
Die Mitternaechters.
In addition to music performance, Chuck is a photographer
and music